According to India Police , Rotimi came to India on a business visa and developed local contacts in trafficking of narcotics drugs in Bangalore and Hyderabad after procuring drugs from one Hakeem, a Sudanese national residing in Delhi. They were arrested when both men were seen negotiating for the drug which cost Rs 1,500 per gram and sold for Rs 3,000 per gram, depending on the clients needs.
15grams of hard drugs were found on both men when the were arrested. Uday Kiran acted in films like 'Parare', 'Rakshakulu', 'Yuvarajyam' and 'Facebook'.
Why do pple still mess demselves up like dis bcos of moni? Hmmmm.
i guess d money he gets from movies isnt enough for him. too bad
They're lucky they weren't caught in China,if not its instant death.No case.
Yea greed
Yey dey r
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